Sunday, August 30, 2009

we hate wht u like n love wht u hate so world frm us to u .. "up yours ... !!!"

Anshu Gupta....i had no knowledge of his existence for the whole of the 1st semester.Then i came across him in the 2nd sem because of the whole electronics club thing. I know this sounds really boring ,but this is the way the story goes.I cant help it.It was this boring. I must have spoken to him one on one maybe once or twice in the whole semester. Then he passed out of college and I didnt even speak to him on the day of his farewell.But in the summer we just got talking and its barely been a month since i have known him...But in a very cliched way it feels like i have known him forever.We like similar things.We talk similar.We think similar.The title of this blog is an ingenious creation by him at 3am in the morning yesterday.

Being in different countries their is not a lot of scope for exchanging birthday gifts. And writing a nice scrap as he suggested is not my thing. And testimonials are so passe. So i thought i would make him a part of my blog.He is not big on celebrating birthdays or gifts but I am.So this is my gift to him. I know he has been through a lot in life. But the constant smile on his face inspires me. He has this amazing never say die spirit which I admire a lot.And even though he is very humble and thinks he hasnt done anything great in life.I am very proud of him and all that he has done.Although he is not here but every time his name is mentioned in college this huge smile just automatically comes on my face. He takes care of me,helps me and guides me in every way possible and when he calls me beta i think its the cutest.His sense of humour is his biggest virtue and one day he is going to do stand up comedy in my restaurant (be there)is the pact that we have made.I get him and he gets me.We talk about virtaualy anything and everything fron aaloo too electronics. Even though he is a puppy (in his own words)he is the worlds cutest puppy.So heres my toast to him on this amazing friends birthday.Be happy and stay the way you are.

Happy Birthday.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sooo much ! It is the sweetest gift I have got . Thank you shini for making this bday so special :). I wonder what good have I possibly done to deserve friends like you. You still have that innocence and naivety which is so rare and inspiring. On my bday i pray u never loose that :).
    Thank you again !!
