Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Where do i start??

What are the qualifications required to be a writer? Essentialy a blogger? Quiet frankly I dunno .Do they have a book called “Writing for Dummies”. They probably do. If books entitled “Divorce for Dummies “ can exist (remember the scene from “Little Manhattan”) ,anything is possible. This whole thing about writing is that I have been hanging out with Hannah , this friend cum neighbour, and we discussed people without any knack or skill who have penned down whole books and it just made me wonder about those who are just wasting this talent and I actually happen to know such people (my grandma for instance) and I feel really sad for them. I think it’s just a question of getting your butt down and just writing. This made me realise that if people who do not possess the ability to produce best selling or even just selling books can do this I probably should give it a shot.

So that’s me ,hardly anything original, most of the time doing stuff a million people have already done and a million people are still to do. I completely identify myself with Mia Thermopolis (“Princess Diaries” the books ,the movies you must have come across it). And that’s way before she find’s out she is a princess .Oh yeah!!!! I have zero self-confidence exactly like her. Just add 50 pounds more , take off the braces and remove the curly hair and VOILA ,you have me!!!! The whole thing about writing is that I am a very avid reader. I can read nearly anything and everything. I get nightmares if I don’t read a book before I doze of. I am actually a little worried about that. So I think this can be a reason for developing an interest in the art of writing. I was always good at writing from life experiences in school and also I am great at making up stuff. But I think what sells today is a witty, chatty, funny author. But I have made up my mind to give it a try and I am definitely ready to do so.

Until next time,

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